A New Smile Dental Canyon Country Blog

What Are Invisalign Refinements and Why Are They Sometimes Necessary?

February 3, 2025

an Invisalign patient chatting with their orthodontist

When it comes to straightening teeth, Invisalign is one of the most exciting options available – and if you’re undergoing the process yourself, you’re probably enjoying all of the conveniences and benefits that come with the clear aligners. That said, it’s possible that as you near the end of your anticipated timeline, your provider might mention that you need refinements to complete your treatment. Here’s a closer look at how these refinements work.  


Time for a Refresh: 4 Signs Your Veneers Need Replacing

December 12, 2024

A dentist holding dental veneers with a tweezer

If you have dental veneers, you may need to replace them in the coming year. These porcelain shells don’t last forever; even the best ones wear down and break over time. Luckily enough, learning whether you should get replacements isn’t that hard. Your Santa Clarita dentist can walk you through how to tell if it’s time to switch to new shells. To that end, keep reading to discover four signs your veneers need replacing.


Lasting Looks: 3 Cosmetic Treatments and Their Longevity

September 10, 2024

Bird's eye view of 12 teeth arranged like a clock with dental mirrors as hands

If you’re frustrated by stubbornly stained, chipped, slightly misaligned, or otherwise imperfect teeth, you’re not alone! An estimated 50 million cosmetic dental procedures are performed in the U.S. each year. These treatments only continue to gain popularity as more people realize that there are accessible solutions to help them upgrade their grins.

Once you’ve achieved your desired results, it’s natural to want to do everything you can to keep them. Continue reading to learn about three popular services and their longevity so you can make an informed decision about your smile!


How Can I Avoid a Dental Emergency?

December 13, 2023

Man has tooth pain

Dental emergencies are unexpected by definition, but they aren’t always unavoidable. The world is full of dangers to your dental health like tripping hazards, harmful oral bacteria, sports injuries, and the like, but being smart about how you navigate them can help you minimize the risk of anything damaging your smile. Here are a few ways that you can keep your teeth farther from harm’s way so you can avoid needing emergency dental appointments.


3 Types of Toothaches and What Causes Them

September 12, 2023

Woman in a brown shirt holding 2 hands to her jaw in pain in front of a white background

Nobody plans to have a dental emergency, but if you have a toothache it’s time to call your dentist! There are several underlying factors that might be contributing to your pain, so an accurate diagnosis is essential for treatment and relief. Fortunately, the nature of the discomfort you’re in can tell your dentist a lot about what could be causing it so they can provide solutions. Keep reading to learn more about 3 common types of toothaches and how to address them.
